Monday, June 2, 2008

Novel reading project

I read a novel call Deja dead written by Kathy Reichs. In any novel, there must be a strong message and it has to be said to the readers in very clear way with settings. First of all, the plot of the story is based on detection of murders. The narrator of the story is a doctor and she is suspecting chain murders happening in montreal. When she first find out the first murder she is leading in the play with doughts on possibilities of death. She finally finds out who was the murderer by following the evidence she got from postmotem report and the mark that murderer left. There is a message of that any murderer will leave an evidence is obvious in this novel. Socondly, even though the story line is clear some explanations are expanded more in this novel. For example the postmotem explanation is not that interesting for every readers. It deals with all medical stuffs which was hard to follow. Finally the setting of montreal was chosen corectly by the author. In my opinion montreal is an old city, it let the readers to have some kind of a mysterious mood.
Over all, I really enjoyed reading this novel. The presentation on this novel was quiet interesting. Because, I couldn`t read the whole story on time. It was a ood experiece onraing I ever had.